The UnperfektHOTEL is part of our "village for doers" in the middle of downtown Essen, Ruhr area - as big as 50 terraced houses and full of open spaces where someone is doing something. Your room is your well-kept resting place, and the guest access to this "MakerClub Unperfekthaus" included in the overnight price gives you access to the lively creative scene and you can also become active yourself. More about this here...
the prices are slightly higher than in similarly good hotels, because you support our MacherClub and in return, of course, you also get access. Here you can see what we offer you...
Address,Imprint Data Protection
Imperfecthaus, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 18-26, 45127 Essen
Tel. (0201) 47 09 16-0,
Park3 minutes walk away:24-hour car park Weberplatz